CSS Introduction

CSS is the Cascading Style Sheet, style sheets is the document which is containing the list of all style elements which is defined for particular element on the webpages. for example if you want to give the background color to the webpage or <div> you can define the special styles for them.

- CSS Stands for Cascading Style Sheet

- It is used to control the style of a web document

- CSS handles the look and feel of the website.

- By using CSS you can make webpages responsive(Mobile Friendly Webpages).

- It was invented by Hakon Wium Lie on October 1994

- Maintained through a group of people within the W3C.

What are the requirements to learn CSS?

- Must have the knowledge of HTML.

- You should have the text editor like(Notepad, Notepad++ etc)

- Web Browser(Chrome, Firefox etc)

<h1>This is the First CSS Example</h1>  
<p>This is Paragraph.</p>  